Fight the Fear of Returning to Work

Fight the Fear of Returning to Work. Admit it -- you may not be sure how to start your job search, or what the most effective job search techniques are. Sometimes you aren't even sure exactly what career or job you want to do now.

Many women want to restart a career after beginning a family, but with years out of the workforce they question their own worth and whether anyone would hire them. The job search process seems downright scary, causing many women to stay on the sidelines. Sure there are pitfalls to avoid, lots of advice, both good and bad, plus plenty of competition vying for the jobs.

Having a workable action plan will take away some of your uneasiness. To get started:

Soul search.

Career happiness is a result of aligning your skills, your values and your interests. Do some self-analysis. Define your skills that you can offer an employer -- be sure to note any volunteer work, which is greatly valued by employers. What do you want to do? Where? Part-time or full? Narrow down the career options that seem ideal for you.

Employers hire you to do a specific job and expect you to define exactly what that is. Applying for everything only wastes time--yours and the employers. It's better to identify your top strengths and assess your abilities and experience (paid and volunteer). Consider what interests you and focus on how best to apply your talents in a career you have some passionate interest in. Research the potential job options and select one or two job titles to pursue.

Be ready to work.

Employers hate working parents who don't show up and have proved to be undependable. Be prepared to clearly define that you have a solid, dependable daycare and reliable backup plan so you won't skip out every time Johnny gets a runny nose.

Consider setting up a co-op with other parents or neighbors to cover you when your kids are sick. Also, anticipate any overtime requests, travel and commute time when selecting a daycare, which often has very rigid hours of service. A positive, "I will deliver the results needed" attitude will go along way to aid you in landing a job.

Know where to find good leads.

According to a recent study from the Society for Human Resource Management, 86 percent of employers use online recruitment for open jobs. The Department of Labor states that less than 4 percent of job seekers found their jobs on the Internet, and most of those were posted on the employers' Web sites, but for the Department of Labor, networking accounts for 63 percent of all jobs filled -- 63 percent! Start with everyone you know. Ask for referrals -- people they know that you should contact who might help pass your résumé inside their companies, or names of other companies you should investigate. It's better to be direct and say, "I'm job hunting. Do you know anyone over at XYZ company?" versus, "Heard of any jobs? I need one."

Write a winning résumé and cover letter.

  • Employers give résumés less than a 15-second glance, so a vague résumé gets trashed immediately.

  • Demonstrate results! A one-page résumé stressing actions and noting results such as increasing/decreasing, saving time or making money are most influential.

  • Use action verbs. Start each sentence with a powerful descriptive action verb -- such as established, managed, organized, etc.

  • Proofread! Studies have shown employers cite spelling and typos as the top mistake job hunters make.

  • Cover letters are influential -- use them.

  • Apply quickly! Employers call the strong early-birds first, often leaving hundreds of résumés unread.

  • Be armed and ready for the interview.

    Employers make snap decisions. They state that most people lose the job in the first minute of the interview. Inappropriate attire is the worst culprit. Dress professionally. To be ready for the tough questions, practice writing out good answers to potential questions ahead of time. Role-play an interview with a friend to better prepare and eliminate nervousness. Keep answers to less than one minute, and use specific examples from your experience whenever possible. Display a positive, eager-to-learn, enthusiastic attitude. It is a key trait employers want.

    And finally, always send a handwritten thank-you note -- e-mails are too quickly forgotten.

    Need more assistance? Robin's The DreamMaker audio coaching can help! It is your ideal career decision-making tool to direct you into a better career and brighter future.

    The DreamMaker Audio Coaching Program includes everything you need to help you uncover your passion and make a positive career change. Based on Robin Ryan's popular career book, "What To Do With The Rest Of Your Life" her workbook and coaching CDs will help launch your new career FAST. Don't waste another day hoping things will change! Get The DreamMaker and let your new life begin!

    Robin Ryan has appeared on the Dr. Phil Show, Oprah, NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw, CNN, CNBC and is considered America's top career coach. She is the best-selling author of: "60 Seconds & You're Hired!;" "Winning Résumés;" "Winning Cover Letters" and "What to Do with the Rest of Your Life." She's the creator of the highly acclaimed audio training program Interview Advantage and The DreamMaker. ( )

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